This Podcast Needs a Title
Book Pipeline’s executives team up for real talk from the publishing trenches. Each episode, they'ill unpack a piece of the writing life. And don't forget your industrial forklift because there will be baggage. A Pipeline Artists Original Podcast.
This Podcast Needs a Title
The One with Linda Epstein
In the second episode of season two, Peter and Erica get real with author and literary agent Linda Epstein about Jewish representation in books, equality for BIPOC industry folks, and how to be direct while maintaining kindness. Come for the publishing situation chat, stay for Linda's amazing show notes:
All about Linda!
Buy her book!
The New School
Gotham Writers
The Highlights Foundation
LINDA IS CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES however BIPOC folks are welcome to ask general questions and advice about publishing and writing at: linda@emeraldcityliterary.com
All are welcome to ask her publishing related questions on Twitter: @LindaEpstein